Thursday, October 31, 2013

HIMSS Europe 2013 Amsterdam - SA4: Mobile Devices in Hospital Settings:Real World Strategies for Now and the Future

Session on mobile devices. Some remarks are that WIFI still poses a challenge in hospitals. There are no problems at the user side in terms of adaptation, but getting apps and mobile devices running in the supported environment of the hospital IT still is challenging.
Concrete examples were given in this session, e.g. Medimapp which provides the patient with an app that give all information about the medical traject including what was done and will be done based on a disease driven approach. This in contrary with traditional portals and information that are mostly specialty based and sometimes incomplete or contradictory.

SA4: Mobile Devices in Hospital Settings: Real World Strategies for Now and the Future

Maarten Winkelman, ICT Manager St. Jansdal Hospital Harderwijk, The Netherlands

mHealth for Nurses on the Ward of UMC Utrecht: A Pilot, Plans and Lessons Learned

Jan Christiaan Huysman, Program Manager ICT, CIO, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands

Mobile Health applications and platforms are being piloted at the academic medical centre in Utrecht. An example is the NurseMapp, a smartphone based application that enables nurses to register vital signs at the patient bed in realtime, integrated with the hospital information system. In another setup, a proof-of-concept mHealth app on a tablet is developed for patients in a diagnostic pathway for oncology. The patient can check all process information, interact with the physician and see the same information at home via a patient portal.

Operation iPad – a Mobile Strategy for the Years to Come

Werner Zuurbier, Head of Information Management, Antonius Zorggroep, The Netherlands

Recent years brought us a mobile IT-revolution with the iPad as one of its contributors. Healthcare is quickly embracing these innovations but many healthcare organizations struggle to define a useful and comprehensive strategy to fit this in the overall IT and business strategy. The opportunities are promising: Healthcare will be organized more and more outside of the hospital itself. This can be leveraged with a mobile and flexible infrastructure. But this also creates new problems and challenges. Are handheld devices the ultimate solution or is it just the beginning of a mobile health era? And what about sensor health or nano health?

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