Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Health and Technology 2012 - Towards empowerment for wellbeing and healthy living

Prof. Hummels started with a movie showing the problems in healthcare. Technology could help tackle a lot of the problems but the patient should be central. Fundamental science only is not the way to solve all problems, science for society is required to have the link to evereyday life. One of the areas of research of the TU/e are smart environments. The aim is empowerment of people to live healthy using technology.

Development and trends in health And healthcare are:
1. Aging and chronic diseases
2. Transforming the healthcare system
3. Healthy lifestyle: primary prevention
4. Integrative care
5. Unique personalized solutions
6. Self-management via networked technology
7. Ethics, safety and privacy

Technology trend such as social networking, knowledge economy could help tackle the challenges involved in healthcare if we can evolve to a transformation economy where solutions are developed locally with collaboration of involved stakeholders.

Smart environments involve staying healthy (prevention), empowerment in daily life, and making healthcare sustainable.

Go to for acces to the presentations of the conference

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